1 in 10 Korean men wear color make up

Article: 1 in 10 Korean men wear color make up

Source: Money Today via Nate

Surveyed 1,498 men and women over the age of 15 on cosmetics use. Results found that 1 in 10 men wore color make up.

1. [+135, -23] The flaw in this is that the survey was run by a cosmetics shop.

2. [+115, -18] Leave them alone. You only live once, why not let them live as uniquely as possible as long as they're not committing any crimes? What's it to us? I hate how Koreans only consider someone normal if they're a clone of the rest of us. Anyone that isn't is considered abnormal.

3. [+54, -9] Men are entitled to their own freedom of expression, what's there to hate? How's it fair that women can put on make up and men can't and get hated for it?

4. [+55, -51] It seriously makes me throw up when I see men putting make up on on the bus. Their face and neck colors are totally different. They're even worse than girls. I heard girls laughing at them, saying they look like corpses.

5. [+49, -38] Results aren't surprising. Korean women rank #1 in base make up use. Foreign cosmetics brands are competing to get into the Korean market because of that.

6. [+16, -17] Men who put on make up seem like gays

7. [+15, -16] I honestly feel like throwing up when I see men with make up on

8. [+14, -10] Men shouldn't use eyeliner ㅠㅠ or at least make sure it isn't obvious ㅋㅋㅋ It's funny when it's obvious

9. [+13, -9] I want to beat any guy who wears eyeliner and eyeshadow

10. [+12, -11] Keep wearing make up and your dick is going to fall off
